Saturday 30 June 2012

The Enchated Wood-D.J Davies Page 2

Next when she thought everyone else apart from Damien were asleep Katherine got him up and said “come with me.” Together they sneaked out of the camp and Damien said “where are you taking me”. So Katherine replied

“Where the next fiend is waiting.”

When Damien was woken up properly and his eyes got used to the dark, he started to wonder how Katherine can see in the dark easily and then he heard something “stop” said Damien suddenly. “What is it?” asked Katherine.

“I think I heard something.” It was then both of them heard a deep rumbling growl from behind a bush and then Damien looked through it and saw a very big beast that included a snake’s body, six heads of a lion, giant hairy monkey’s arms and legs as well as a dragon’s tail. “What’s that” said Damien to Katherine suspiciously. “That is what I call the super beast. King of all the beasts” replied Katherine strangely.

Suddenly Chloe woke with a start and when she got up and out of her bed she found a note saying ‘I’m with Katherine at the blacksmith getting something to help me to defeat the next beast because I have a bad feeling about the beast being the strongest one we’ll encounter in the woods at all and the last.’ “What blacksmith?” said Chloe to herself, she felt so angry she decided to follow them and when she found it the blacksmith turned out to be James so he said he gave them a magical sword that could defeat the master beast easily and that they were going to test it out in the plains not far south from here and so Chloe went out the south exit to meet her friends in the plains that James had mentioned and she received a free staff to help them defeat the master beast. She found them afterwards in the plains practicing and it was very lucky that she had the staff because she got too close to Damien, swinging a sword around and it nearly cut her throat but she put the staff up just in time so that the sword hit the staff with a  mighty CLANG! Damien was so surprised to see her and the staff that he said to her “where did you get that from?” “James” replied Chloe happily. “Ah, right” said Damien.

When they got back to the camp the others were eating breakfast, roast deer. The other three gave them a puzzling look Josh and Alex laughed and Liam said “they read your letter so they went hunting for it” he gestured at the arrows on the table and Damien understood straight away “okay” he said as Chloe rushed past him to the food “let’s go eat” he said to Katherine he caught her arm as she walked away “and keep what we talked about between us okay.” She just nodded.

Hours later they had another rest and then got ready to carry on through the woods. And they were walking through the woods and came to the bush that Damien and Katherine hid behind that morning and then Damien turned around to the others and said “Chloe, I’m going to need the giant to fight with the same height as it, Josh, dragons for fighting ice with fire. The ice will melt and turn to water to put out the fire, Liam and Matthew, sphinx and chimera to distract it and Alex, witch to make the dragons ice into very disgusting and very poisonous water okay.” They all nodded “Katherine stay with Matthew and Liam they’ll need you to help them distract it in order to get all of us out of here alive.”


“Get ready then Josh, Alex and Chloe stay behind me and protect me with your monsters, you three however” he said to Matthew, Katherine and Liam “get left, right and behind it to distract and confuse it so, it makes an easy fight and then we can get out of here a lot faster and safer what do you say then.”

“One for all and all for one” replied Chloe suddenly putting her hand in the middle of the circle and Damien and the others copied her “One for all and all for one” they all chanted happily and then they all heard the roar of the beast and Damien said “it’s time, places everyone and get your monsters out ready” everyone else nodded.

It will be worth the fight thought Damien as he got into place on the shoulder of Chloe’s giant then he called out “time for battle everyone.” Then the next thing he heard was a dragon’s roar, a witch’s cackle, a sphinx’s laugh, a lion’s growl, a chimera’s wings and the crashing feet of a giant running.

He saw a burst of flames the pink/orange water putting it out, then the giant’s club, then the chimera and the sphinx flying around the heads of the monster, the monster then looked at the flyers long enough for the giant to knock it out with his club, then Damien climbed off the giant and stabbed the super monster in the heart with his magical sword and he wasn’t sure but he thought he saw a small flash of red, while Chloe held it immobile with her magical staff, then, the monster disappeared in a puff of smoke and then Damien felt refreshed as energy ran up his arm when the ripple of energy finished flowing through Damien’s body. His arm shot out and before them was the super monster then Damien drew his arm back and it disappeared again then Josh, Matthew, Liam and Damien put their arms out and the monsters appeared and everyone climbed on them and the monsters flew/ran away with the heroes on their backs, but when they got back even though they still had their arms out the monsters had disappeared forever. Then when they got back inside everybody said “where have you been?” and the group replied “we’ve been on our own adventure” and nobody believed them and nobody asked about the adventures of Damien, Chloe, Matthew, Liam, Josh, Alex and Katherine.


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